Autonomous Vehicle Robots (ARV)

  • TurtleBot3 Burger ROS Robot


    Turtlebot 3 Burger is a mobile ROS robot  that’s lightweight, compact, cost-effective and customisable at will. It’s the perfect solution for all those looking for a fun medium to use in their robotics programming workshops, but also for apprentice robotics engineers, and for creators and designers.

  • TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi ROS Robot


    The TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi robot by Robotis is a powerful little robot for exploring ROS (Robot Operating System), bigger than the other flavor Burger.

    The TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi robot is an extended version with a high payload and additional sensors. Compact, modular, programmable and new generation mobile robot. Explore the ROS operating system and create interesting uses for training, research and development.

    The TurtleBot3 Waffle Pi robot includes some premium features: better computing, more sensing and more powerful Dynamixel servos.